Tower Monitoring

An All-in-One Solution for Centralized Tower Infrastructure Monitoring

The top of a cell phone tower.

Tridon Communications Tower Monitoring

Whether your communications tower is used for broadcast, microwave, cellular, or two-way radio purposes, there are required to meet a great many federal regulations. Failing any one of them could see your business face considerable financial penalties and even downtime as you work to correct the problem. Avoiding these obstacles means you will have to regularly monitor the equipment mounted on your communications towers and have tower climbers on standby to fix any problems that pop up. This is where Tridon can help your operation with tower monitoring.

Our Networks Operation Center (NOC) can monitor the infrastructure mounted on your tower 24/7. When federally mandated equipment – like obstruction lighting – they can notify you, allowing your team to notify the proper authorities. What’s more, our tower monitoring personnel can dispatch Communications Tower Technician to fix the problem in a timely manner.

Maintaining and enhancing communications infrastructure is just part of our expertise. Take advantage of our skills so you can focus on yours.


Transport Canada requires owners of towers to monitor their assets and report lighting failures. Failing to do so could jeopardize safety and leave owners facing significant monetary penalties. That’s a headache, we can help you avoid. Here’s how.

Monitoring Light Status

Simply put, our Network Operations Center (NOC) can monitor the strobe status of your tower lighting, allowing you to immediately issue a NOTAM and to arrange for timely repairs.

Intrusion Detection

It’s critical that you protect your infrastructure from trespassers and the elements. That’s why our Tower Technicians add sensors to detect any fire or water intrusion and can enhance the system with several trespass detection techniques.

Alert Monitoring

We do more than just keep an eye out for alerts. Alarms from the Tridon Tower Protection Panel flow to our Network Operation Center (NOC) for dispatch of repair technicians or law enforcement, depending on the alarm.


In a nutshell, we can apply our telecommunications systems expertise to your system, leaving you to focus more of your time, money, and personnel on achieving your operational objectives. Here are just some of the benefits we can provide your operation.

24/7 Support

Our Network Operations Center and on-call technicians can respond to alerts the instant they come in. That means we’ll be well underway to solving the problem by the time you file your notification.

Protect Your Investment

With intrusion detection, environmental monitoring, and light monitoring taken care of, Tridon can help you protect the longevity of your systems.

Avoid Financial Penalties

Any failure to maintain obstruction lighting, or to promptly report lighting failures, can leave you facing serious financial penalties and scrambling for a repair solution. With Tridon monitoring your towers, that solution will already be in place and you’ll be able to report in a timely manner.

We’ll Take Care of the Setup

If you’re tower isn’t set up to be remotely monitored, don’t worry. We can provide and install the equipment required to connect your tower to our NOC.


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